Yearly Maintenance? Is it necessary?

Before I met my husband, I had NO clue about HVAC. I didn’t even know what it stood for! I took for granted that my heating and cooling system would just do it’s job. But if something did go wrong, I would simply call the landlord and he would fix it.

This is why I can relate so well to many of our customers. Of course, most of them know more about their HVAC systems then I did as a single woman, but there are still so many things that I have learned from my husband, Preston, that I really feel like our customers will appreciate learning as well!

One of those things is how very important it is to get your HVAC system maintenance at least once a year! Actually, we encourage our customers to get their systems maintenance TWICE a year; once in the spring and again in the fall.

“Why is this important?” you may ask. Well, your HVAC system works hard during the summer and winter months. The spring and fall are kinds of like rest periods, and just like our bodies need a physical check-up once in a while to ensure we are healthy, our HVAC systems need tuned-up also!

Tune-ups lengthen the life of your HVAC system, saving you money on your utility bill as well as helping to avoid costly repairs.

This is why we offer our customers a special VIP Maintenance Plan! As a VIP Member, our customers get a spring and fall tune-up as well as other great benefits that save them money throughout the year!

So we will soon be entering into the fall season! It will be time to schedule your tune-up, and while you’re at it, ask me about the details of the VIP Maintenance Plan! You can reach me directly at (318) 709-5984!

Talk to you soon!
